$DOCUMENT_ROOT = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]; include("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/auto.inc"); $title = "Remark On Memory As It Is Viewed In Postpsychology"; mheader_l(); ?>
Rationalistic Weltanschauung is a real obstacle on a path leading to solving of so called problem of memory. Proposed by us total-dialectic reasoning approach allows to move away this problem to the background, accentuating neuro-physiological and thereafter also social causes which generate this problem.
In the foreground occurs to be absolutely different phenomena than in conventional scheme. As long ago was demonstrated by postpsychological way of solution of memory problem and as proves it rich scientific matters on this topic gathered and interpreted by us for about five last years, memory is governed by psychic state of "being interested in something" that depends on discovered by us super-psychic (term is coined to stress necessity of collective vertical,- that is having a historical sense, - culture) state of "being interested in somebody".
Creation of hedonistic processes and quantum horizontal links may be consciously directed in form of a "theater of thought" (one more invention of postpsychology and postpsychology autodidactics and Self-studying).
Questions pertaining genes, cells, proteins, endogene opiates (in particular those that play very important parts in processes of storing and reproduction of learned stuff - encephalins, endorphins, cocaine etc.) have already distinct answers that fully corresponds to recommendations of postpsychology pertaining memorization and learning at large. And what is more, thanks to that we get an opportunity to throw away the obsolete philosophical apparatus and refresh thinking in that direction using new senses and meanings.
Thus, we have touched core of both - internal and external - 'hows". By the way, even by this differentiation we make an important step forward in the spirit of postpsychology. Under the cover of the internal "how" is hidden, of course, a source of the external one, but notwithstanding the emphatically behavioral character of human activity we may observe doubleness and relativity of this allegedly outside activity. In this place the new memory handling originates.
Ultimately, all finishes in strict conforming to the rules which are, for the first sight, not relevant to our problem. And exactly this deflection leads on the optimal path to success.
To learn whatsoever successfully we have to stick to the paradoxical thinking, special paradoxical behavior, paradoxical evaluations etc. Postpsychology's didactic section known to public as Autodidactics (by V. A. Kourinsky) is dedicated to development of the enormous amount of novel approaches in the mentioned field.
Some examples of rules for the beginners:
From:Valery Kourinsky
Date: Fri Nov 17, 2000 11:40am