$DOCUMENT_ROOT = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]; include("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/auto.inc"); $title = "Transition From The Animalistic To Anthropic Level Of Behavioural Deeds / Global Transformation Of Human Behaviour"; mheader_l(); ?>
Valery Kourinsky
Kiev ~ Moscow
Chapter 1
To begin with we may cast a glance at the mechanism of the human perception. As a rule we have dealings with a simplified if not a vulgarised scheme; usually pathway for the irritations is described with old-fashioned naivete and is too well- known for one more reproduction. We propose to not haste during our observation and to pay attention to one of the principle applying of which can help you. The point is that every mental experience correlates with a strictly corresponding micro-level physiological processing. Hence we can assort the results of each irritation by type of this processing, orienting our thought upon a specific anthropic experiences. Then we obtain the following image:
1) perception always begins by the animalistic way;
2) the obtained message is encoded in the animalistic way;
3) the received result is encoded in anthropic way;
4) the filtration occurs when there is continuation in direction of
enforcing/full development of the anthropic as such ( components of
filter and its functional essence we investigate a little later).
It is not the finish!But we shall stop here and look at Picture 1.
The way the things really work defers from the usually represented by the
specialists. They have a too strong conformistic motivation for justifying the famous
statement about reputed equality of humans to animals, though the main specific properties
of humans are evidently only based on the same, i.e. animalistic, platform having totally
different from animals use of it. Nobody takes to his head to search physiological grounds
of those properties and check the habitual judgement. Cosmology of our race is Ptolemaic
system and we wait for new Copernicus.
But one more time let us cast a glance at a picture and think together about
the validity of filter in its middle. "Is it real?"- wonders a serious
researcher, seeking intuitively the direct correspondence of our imagery to physiological
mapping of complex processes of human experiences. This task is not one of the grateful
ones. The traditional view of the brain landscape does not propose him a fraction that
whether is entitled so, or described as such under an another name. In this connection we
should like to drive his attention to some changes we find during last years and months in
the field of -e.g.-emotions in different laboratories of world. In particular, he very
easy will find the precious info about dispersed, non-compact character of their
generative ingredients. Namely about this the scientists of UK recently reported to the
wide community, which is not unfortunately so responsive as one has to be while bringing
his branch to the correspondence with the newest scientific data. Though it is clear, that
the obsolete data, put in the basement of indirect conclusion in some relative direction
of research (as it is in our case where we are by now using achievement of
neurophysiologists for explaining the phenomena within socio- psychological area)
automatically makes any scientific branch out-of-dated.
So, we mean by the anthropic filter a non-compact organ, that is typical for a
mentally and culturally developed human creature. Thanks to it he may transit his 'inner
human' to a higher space of existence that, in all probability, is demanded from him by
the natural 'legislator' - the Being.
In fact, where is the cause this filter is functioning? Why anyone having been
experienced though a single time the high feeling of 'historising', merging with the
vertical of human cultural continuing through the centuries and millenniums, is forever
deeply impressed by this event and does not see any rival to that phenomenon in
physiological meaning of word? Who or what is awarder when we are happy awardees and
receive a concrete "material support" for a movement in definite direction? Who
or what is finitely responsible for our evolution as creature becoming more and more
These questions may be easy answered, if one would presuppose that life is included in the great Being which has its all-penetrating laws. And in case with life in general and with humankind's life in particular it acts equally as with the physical bodies by gravitation - it "lauds" us by the boon feeling, by higher kind of hedonism and thus governs over our itinerary. The awards are here the pointers witnessing about correctness of our development direction! It is likely origin of all our future achievements as a race that is not an animalistic herd. And we may assume that the Being as a physical guide of our all-race destinies is that awarder who very simply articulates his dictum aiming the development of humans on the physiological platform of the animal. Our task is to steady thin away in cultural sense. Then we do not contradict to the ruling law. And that we may derive like a formula from the wholeness of our existence.
[end of chapter 1]
Global Transformation Chapters List
Prior section: Introduction
Next section: Chapter 2